Logs 27-Oct-2012

5547 USB 0836: San Francisco wkg Coast Guard 1719 with ATC clearance to airport PHJR.  

5547 USB 0839: Rocco 70 wkg San Francisco.  

5700.4 USB 0255: Redhook 804 in comms with Habitat in the red.

5720 USB 0215: ANDVT

6701.3 USB 2135: TM3 calling ROC in ALE. Additional calls from TM4, TM5 and TM6.

6761 USB 0310: Gasser 16 calling Altus Ops.  

6796 USB 2255: Bloodhound calling Landshark for radio check.  

6935 USB 0027: Icepack calling Draft 84. Referred to frequency as “Aqua” and again later as “Tac Air Command 2”  

6935 USB 0118: Icepack calling Tampa for radio check. Draft 81 also in comms with Icepack and requested they contact another station in regards to troubleshooting.  


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