You are currently browsing articles tagged CONUS.

268.150 C40B

Very weak signal from “C40B” calling “Foxtrot Foxtrot” for radio check.


8002 calling Cactus for a radio check on 262.125 – but nothing heard.

Same aircraft (Tail 8002) heard again calling Cactus on UHF SATCOM.


Bone Maintenance conducting UHF satcom ops check. Possible 28th Bomb Wing out of Ellsworth Air Force Base?


262.325 Sith 903

Sith 903 (sound like) calling Raven Ops for a radio check on 262.325 MHz. Not entirely sure of the callsign, so any help on it is much appreciated.


263.925 Tiger 42

Brief clear comms on CONR-2 with Tiger 42 calling Tiger 41.


263.925 Loki 43

263.925 CONUS: Loki 43 attempting contact with Loki Ops for a radio check.


263.925 Slayer 11

Slayer 11 calling Huntress on UHF SATCOM for radio check on 263.925 MHz.


Aircraft 41 calling Cactus for #satcom voice check on 262.125 MHz via the CONUS region.


262.125 CONUS: Station identifying as “737” calling Spear Ops for radio check.


Colombian activity last week on #satcom 260.475 MHz with “Mérida” and “Moldavia 10” – they were noted giving position/coordinates that came back to a location near the Parque Nacional Natural La Paya near the borders of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. I also heard them later on that day discussing an engine/fuel issue on a boat. Hmmm…

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